RCR’s week so far

This week in RCR, we are:

Phonics: recapping all the digraphs and trigraphs https://rpsrcr2019.wordpress.com/sounds-and-tricky-words/

and learning the new tricky words: be and was

Topic: reading the story ‘Naughty Bus’, and recreating our own versions of it using story language. Today some of us started to record scenes using an iPad in our outdoor area. The bus got up to so much mischief!img_1494

Maths: learning to use the language of time and different ways of measuring time. On Monday the children worked together to order the events of a normal morning in RCR, and used language such as: ‘first’, ‘before’ and ‘after’ to describe what happens when. We also talked about the meaning of ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’.

Yesterday RCR worked wonderfully again in their teams of 4 on the carpet, taking turns and working to support each other to place the days of the week in order. It was fantastic to see how they were also using their phonics to decode the names of days.

Today we looked more closely at our calendar and counted down days to the birthdays of our classmates born in the month of Feb.

PE: continuning our focus on ball skills, RCR practised some more bouncing and learned how to basketball dribble.

RCR are super excited about the prospect of winning Reception’s ‘punctuality trophy’.  The class collects a ping-pong ball for every day that everyone is in school on time. We can’t wait to find out if we will take the trophy back to our classroom (to keep for a week!) during our new Friday assemblies.

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