Mother’s Day Portrait Competition 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Every year a few local shops Tomlinsons, Ed and Dulwich Trader hold a Portrait Competition. Winners will get their artwork displayed in one of the shops. If your child thinks they’d like to have a go at entering the competition these are the details:


Portraits can be of a mother or a special person in a child’s life if not possible. There are no restrictions on medium other than portraits should be no smaller than A3 (2 x A4 stuck together would work if larger paper not available) and should be bold, bright and beautiful as the winners and runners up will be displayed in a shop window.

Please get your child’s artwork into the office by Friday 28th February 2020.

Labelling the Portraits

Please make sure that each entry has the following information clearly written on the back. This will help the judging process and also make sure pictures get back to the artists:

Child’s name




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