
Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body. These small muscles need to be developed because they are required for tasks such as writing, grasping small objects, and fastening buttons. When we refer to fine motor skills in the context of handwriting, we are typically referring to the small muscles in the hands and fingers used for writing.

We help children strengthen those muscles in school by providing fun, hands-on, and developmentally appropriate activities.

What can parents do at home to help?

Here’s a list of recommended activities you can do at home with your child using things you may already have at home.

Image result for PLAYDOUGH homemade
Play with playdough
Image result for rolling pin playdough
Use a rolling pin
Image result for roll snakes playdough
Roll ‘snakes’ with playdough using palms of hands
Image result for water spray bottle
Use a spray bottle filled with water to spray plants indoors/outdoors
Image result for kids tear paper
Tear paper
Image result for peg
Pick up objects using pegs
Image result for children cutting
Cut paper, card

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