
Despite it being a bit of a ‘topsy turvy’ day (actual quote from one of the children!), the children did very well to manage the different order of transitions today. As we generally observe such great behaviour in RCR, Ms Pashova and I had a little think about how we could reward the children who really work hard, show acts of kindness, are respectful towards staff and peers, etc. The children are usually proud to see their green choices being recorded on our class chart and love knowing that their individual and collective whole class green choices help to fill the marble jar, but we wanted to show them some extra appreciation and to also inform you of how wonderful they’ve been. Every day since Tuesday we have been selecting a ‘star of the day’. This well-deserved title means that they get to sit on a special star cushion the following day during all the carpet sessions!

This morning we had a visit from the nurses to make sure we are growing healthily.

In phonics we learned the trigraph ‘ure’, for example, ‘cure’, ‘pure’.

In maths we focused on the number:


In PE we learned how to bounce a ball!

In topic we went outside and carried out some observational writing on what we could see in the sky.


We spent the other parts of the day getting busy:


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